A lot of people believe that the world will be ending this year; Dec 21st 2012 to be exact. If the world does end then all those years you spent learning to drive, building your career, worrying about your appearance and acquiring material gains would all be for nought.
Just in case Nostradamus and the Mayan calendar were truly right, I believe most of us would feel more comfortable being prepared for the end. The ideal would be an underground bunker strong enough to survive a nuclear blast. Also a storeroom in the bunker with enough supplies to last a few years would be needed. Although I think everyone would prefer if world didn’t end in a nuclear holocaust or fire raining from the sky. So let’s cancel out global warming.
So what will the end of the world be like in Naija? Well……….. First of all, let’s keep in mind that Naija is a third world country. Those of you who may argue that “no, Naija is not as backwards as all those “save a child in Africa” adverts on British and American TV portray us, you’ll have to accept the fact that even though our living standards may not be too backwards, we have still remained backwards in our thinking. No am not going to cite any of the recent tragedies that have occurred because this blog isn’t about all that.
So the main question is how will Naija be if the world were to end this year? Well I’m not referring to any specific kind of ending, whether spiritual, climatic or otherwise. So I really don’t know how it would be or how it would end, but the point to take note of, is that the world would see a definite end an everyone would know it.
To be continued….